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Most people walk at about 3 miles per hour. 0.3 miles would take about 6 minutes at that speed.

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Q: How long does it take to walk .3 mile?
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How do you walk 3 miles an hour?

You take 20 minutes to walk each mile, and then you do that for 3 miles.

How long will 1.242 miles take you to walk if you walk at 3 miles per hour?

around 25 minutes... Its not that hard to work out. 1 mile = 20 min 1/4 mile = 5 mins

How long should it take a 60 plus woman to walk 1 mile?

It depends on what shape you are in..a fast walk is 3 mph and a good walk is about 2 mph and slow is 1 mph'; on average, if you are in good health and want to do a standard walk at 2 mph, it will take 30 minutes to do the mile

How long does it take to walk 0.59 miles?

If you were walking at a pace of 1 mile per hour, .26 miles would take 3 minutes.

How long would it take a person with osthroartiistis in the knees to a walk a mile?

LETS SAY 1.5-3 HOURS.. it depends how severe is it.

How many days would it take to walk 3 mile?

Less than a day, if you walk at a normal pace, it would take you about 70 minutes.

How many laps on a three fourths of a mile track equals a mile?

One and a third laps. One lap will be 3/4 of a mile. A third of a lap (1/3 X 3/4 ) is 1/4 of a mile. 3/4 of a mile + 1/4 of a mile = 1 mile

How many times do you have to walk a one third mile track to make a mile?

if it is a 1/3 mile track then you would walk it 3 times to equal 3/3 or 1 whole mile

How many minutes would it take to walk .3 miles?

It depends on how fast you walk. A typical speed is 3 mph, so it would take one hour. But some people walk slowly and might require 3 hours to walk one mile, while others walk very fast and might cover that distance in 40-45 minutes, or even less.

How long would it take to walk quarter of a mile normal speed?

it takes 4 minutes to walk a mile :)Actually, Sir Roger Bannister _ran_ a mile in just under 4 minutes in 1954.More realistically, a normal walking speed is about 3 miles per hour, or 20 minutes per mile.

If you walk 3 kilometers in 29 minutes and 50 seconds how fast did you walk 1 mile?

If you walk 3 kilometers in 29 minutes and 50 seconds you walk one mile in 16 minutes.

How long does it take a junior high student to walk a mile?

Normal walking speed is 3 to 4 miles per hour, so between an hour and an hour 20 min.