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Q: How long did it take Mary and Joseph to walk?
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Did Mary and Joseph walk or ride to Bethlehem?

If, as Luke's Gospel says, Joseph and Mary travelled from Nazareth to Bethlehem where Jesus was born, they both walked all the way. As a poor village carpenter, Joseph could not have afforded to own or even hire a donkey. Their extreme poverty is demonstrated in Luke 2:24, when they sacrificed two doves instead of the usual lamb, a concession permitted only the very poorest. Even if they knew someone of outstanding generosity, no one would have lent them a donkey, with the serious possibility that Joseph and Mary would not have survived the long and arduous journey to and from Bethlehem.Although the Gospel does not say, the only plausible answer in the context of Luke's Gospel is that Joseph and Mary both walked, even on the return journey when they carried Jesus.

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The cast of The Long Walk Back - 2013 includes: Mary Goba as Creep

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Count to zero, say 859,722 Hail Mary's, and then tell him to take a long walk off a short pier.

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depends on how fast you walk

How long does it take to walk from Florida to Canada?

if you started at miami it would be 490 hours

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about how long would it take to walk from east Texas coast to Mexico citey

How long will it take to walk 8.5 miles?

It depends on the speed at which you walk, and how long you can sustain that speed.

How long was Mary and Josephs' journey?

Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, was approximately 70-90 miles. They likely traveled by foot or on a donkey, which would have taken them several days to complete.

How long does it take to walk 0.53 miles?

The answer will depend on the speed at which you walk.

How long does it take to walk 0.3?

half a second if you walk fast

How long does it take to walk 2.6km?

About 20 minutes if you walk fast

How long does it take to walk 4000m?

you cant answer that it depends on how fast you walk