Watford and London are both cities located in Southern England. Watford isn't very far from London. They are 19.7 miles apart.
136 miles
The distance from Derby to Swansea is about 180 miles by road.
74 miles
around 120 miles
If you are driving there... 23.5 Miles.
the mileage is around 165 miles.
260.66 km from North Watford to Preston
3,468 miles or 5,580 kilometers
It was Branko Strupar for Derby against Watford after after 2 minutes.
According to AA route planner it is 21 miles and will take about 58 minutes to drive.
120 miles taking this route:Take M1 to The NORTH, from London, to A50 (to A6 to DERBY) at J24.Take A50 to A6, and then take A6 to DERBY.120 miles taking this route: Take M1 to The NORTH, from London, to A6 to DERBY via A50 at J23A.Take A6 to Derby.