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Q: How did the compass allow people to sail for long distances?
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Why should people use airplane?

to travel faster over long distances hav safe journey over long distances..

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it allowed people to talk to each othe from long distances.

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to travel long distances quickly.

What was the purpose of the locomotives?

To move people and freight long distances.

What is the difference between long and short sight?

Long-sightedness (hyperopia) means difficulty seeing close objects clearly, while short-sightedness (myopia) refers to trouble seeing distant objects clearly. Both conditions result from abnormalities in the eye's shape, affecting how light is focused on the retina. Glasses or contact lenses can correct these vision issues.

How did people travel long distances in the early 19th century?

On rivers

What are the weaknesses of von thunen?

The von Thunen model has weaknesses because it does not allow for things like roads or railroads that make it easier to transport goods over long distances. He also does not anticipate things like refrigerated transport that would allow even perishable things to be transported over long distances.

Why is the magnetic field of the earth important for compass navigation?

The Earth's magnetic field allows compass needles to align with the north and south poles, providing a reliable reference point for navigation. By following the direction indicated by a compass, travelers can orient themselves and maintain a consistent heading when moving over long distances on land or at sea.

What led to the need for communication over long distances?

So we can remember people

What was the best way for people in the early 1800s travel long distances?
