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Surpisingly, Cheer Leading.

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Q: What sport is most dangerouse?
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Is talking Angela dangerouse?

yes so dangerouse

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Are chinmaze's dangerouse?

yes anything that is alive, dead, mineral, liquid, gas , soild, can be dangerouse

Are panda bears dangerouse?

no they are not, the only way they are dangerouse is if they bite you ,you won't die you will just have pain in your hand

What jobs did the girls have in the Victorian times?

most girls worked in the mills weaving wool but it was a very dangerouse job!

can you get an anaconda?

yes you can but is VERY DANGEROUSE!

What was a shrapnel and why were they dangerouse?

No, it is keratin. Keratin.

What part of speech is dangerouse?

Dangerous is a adjective.

Ghost or other spirit?

there are ghosts and spirits but the most dangerouse are the spirits why did you ask? are you afraid? and by the way theres a ghost right behind you

Are dragons dangerouse?

Dangerous, yes! And very wise.

Is snowboarding dangerouse?

It is not dangerous if you limit your tricks to what is comfortable for you.

Are mermaids dangerouse?

I could be mistaken but I don't think they are real.