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Q: Will drinking whey protein shakes in the morning for breakfast help you lose that thin layer of body fat over your muscle?
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What kind of results would you get if you drank a protein shake every morning for breakfast?

That depends on the amount of protein you intake, your weight, your metabolism, your overall diet, and your exercise level. However, breakfast literally means "break your fast." You have been fasting for about 8-10 hours and your muscles are starving for protein. Breakfast should contain a high amount of protein- 20-30 grams. Ever since I began drinking protein shakes during breakfast, I have seen more muscle gains than on any other supplement. Remember, diet is 70% of your results!

What are the advantages of drinking whey protein?

The main advantage that is gained by drinking whey protein is that it helps build muscle and refresh muscles after a workout. It is often added to milk to drink.

Does whey protein boost your metabolism?

No they dont, protein helps you increase muscle size, muscles arent linked to fat

What high protein breakfast would be good for someone trying to put on muscle mass?

Eat more protein, have protein shakes, eggs, steak, chicken, bacon and other high protein rich foods to help you gain muscle mass. In additon, beans can be good choices.

How do you build lean muscle with out losing weight?

Protein is an important factor in gaining muscle. Eating more protein and drinking protein shakes will help you build lean muscle without losing weight. It is also important to be consistant with the amount of weight you lift and the number of reps you do.

Can you gain muscle without protein shake?

No, if you drink protein shakes and dont work out.. That protein will turn into fat. The reason people eat protein while working out is because they want that fat to turn into muscle. I suggest you workout while drinking protein shakes or dont drink the shakes at all.

Can a protein shake be taken in the morning?

Yes, a protein shake can be a good choice for breakfast in the morning. It can help kickstart your metabolism, provide essential nutrients, and support muscle recovery and growth after a night of fasting. Just make sure to include other nutritious foods to create a balanced meal.

What is the purpose of drinking a protein drink?

The purpose of consuming protein drinks is a faster muscle formation of the human's body. That is why many bodybuilders drink special protein shakes to enhance the build-up of muscles.

Is it ok to drink protein shakes if you lift weights?

yes! protein shakes help you build lean muscle. If you work out as well, it will speed up the process and you will build muscle. The best times for taking protein shakes are in the morning and right after working out. When you work out, your muscles tear. The protein shakes fill those tears to help build muscle faster.

Does drinking milk after 45 minutes of weight lifting help?

Drinking milk with whey protein within 45 minutes of lifting absolutely promotes muscle growth and increased recovery.

What does drinking eggs do for bodybuilders?

It is a raw source of protein which is needed for muscle growthn. It can also be a source for salmonella, a bacteria that causes food poisoning.

Do you lose muscle mass when you stop drinking whey protein?

Absolutely not!, whey protein is used to reduce your muscles aching after a weight session, add extra necessary protein to your diet and to increase the time of a weight session your body can endure before you "burn out". The only way to lose muscle mass is to stop training.