jog on means forget about it or i rest my case toughes say it like me
That is the correct spelling of the verb "jog" which can mean a paced run. It can also mean to knock or bump, used in the idiom "jog your memory."
it is a large wooden ship
It is the jog speed or a slower speed of the machine.
Jog Jog
Depends on the running. If you mean going out for a jog, then aerobic. If you mean doing sprints, then anaerobic.
I'm going out for a short jog. Perhaps a clue will jog your memory.
run and jog run and jog run and jog run and jog
In electrical terminology, the phrase "jog trip jog" refers to a sequence of control signals used to operate a motor. "Jog" refers to a momentary start signal to move the motor in a particular direction, "trip" refers to a signal to stop the motor, and "jog" once again refers to a momentary start signal to move the motor in the opposite direction. This sequence is often used for troubleshooting or fine-tuning motor operation.
The prefix for "jog" is "re-".
Jogged is the past tense of jog.
the past tents of jogging is jog ed
other words that can mean run: lung, sprint, hurry, strongly, fast, take off,