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Terms like "fat" and "chubby" and "thick" and a number of others are tossed around like we all know and understand what they mean. We do, but only sorta. They are all general terms, and are relative in nature. And each of us has a different picture of what is "chubby" and what is more than that and is now "fat". What's the difference? Ten pounds? Twenty? Fifty? And how do we assign numbers to something we can't clearly define? It's a nightmare. Worse, it clouds thinking. Causes us to lose perspective. Back to the question. It is possibable that "overweight" would be the best term to apply here. Is it? A lot of people could really benefit from losing a few pounds. Some could benefit from losing a lot more than that. The U.S. is turning into a nation of overweight people. Check that. We've already become one. Here are some things to think about because there is no pat answer to the question. How do you feel? Are you healthy? Are you mobile and flexible? How far can you run or jog? How high can you jump? Do you have the stamina to get up, go to school and function well there, then get out and go to sports practice or come home and go to a part-time job or do chores and also get your homework done (helping any brothers, sisters or neighbor kids with theirs, too), and all of this without running out of gas? Now for a toughie: what kind of eating habits do you have? Reminder: be honest. Answer it and you'll have high-value information. Ignore it and you might as well stop reading this right now. Onward. Have you gained a lot of weight just over the last couple of years, or have things just kinda sneaked up on ya? And what do you want to look like? What is a good weight for someone your height and your build? (The latter is important. You got more than your eye color from your mom and dad.) That's a lot of stuff there, huh. Confusing, this can be. That's what Yoda would say. Anyway, consider your overall health and assess it honestly. Get help if you need it. In fact, get help even if you think you don't need it. (Do not underestimate the value of input from a caring physician.) Then if changes are something that you wish to make, figure out how to do that. Get some help there, too. And be smart about it. It isn't about pills or some miracle machine. It's about changing lifestyle as well as your diet and how you exercise. Find any individuals, groups or organizations that will help you do what you want to do. (A workout or exercise buddy is worth his weight in gold.) There aren't any shortcuts. Anyone selling shortcuts is selling smoke. Be happy with yourself. Forgive yourself. And then become determined about what you want to do with your shape and make it happen. Good luck.

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16y ago
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15y ago

ummm, yea. it is a little chubby...

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Q: I'm 15-years-old and weigh 150 pounds and I'm 5'4 am I fat?
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