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It doesn't

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Q: How does swimming make you grow taller?
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Is swimming good for growing taller?

No. No exercise will help you grow taller.

What sport makes you grow taller?

just exercise a lot by doing so,it can make you not only be taller but prettier or healthier or skinnier you can play the basketball go swimming or just jump

What physical exercises should you do to grow taller if you are14 years old and 5'5?


Does aspirin make plants grow taller?


Does oatmeal make you grow taller?

No. Genetics does.

How much longer will it take for you to grow taller cause you are 5'2'?

Being 5'2" will not make you grow taller, I'm afraid.

How do you become tall fast?

Some people say that swimming will make you taller

Does staying on the monkey bars make you grow taller?

No, no it does not.

Do pull-ups make you grow taller?

Yes it does

Does honey grow hair?

Does salt make you taller...? No..

Do bread make you grow taller?

No it makes you a fat

How do you grow taller in just one week?

you cant make your self grow....