The distance between the above places is approximately equal to 140 nautical miles. To convert miles to nautical miles, multiply the miles by 0.86. This is point to point straight distance. The actual distance will change according to the route.
The air distance from Manila, Philippines, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, is 8,139 miles. That equals 13,098 kilometers or 7,072 nautical miles.
The air distance from Indianapolis, Indiana, to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, is 1,813 miles. That equals 2,918 kilometers or 1,576 nautical miles.
About 291 nautical miles. Cabo San Lucas is at about 22*52' N, 109*54' W Puerto Vallarta is about 20*40' N, 105*16' W Plugging these into a distance calculator yields 291 nm. As an aside, this is a beautiful passage that is often a beam reach with the prevailing Northerlies blowing down through the Sea of Cortez. The continental shelf and warm currents makes for a lot of luminescence in the water in this area, so be sure to look for that at night. This is one of the most memorable times at sea during my circumnavigation.
The air distance from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to Springfield, Missouri, is 1,397 miles. That equals 2,248 kilometers or 1,214 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Los Angeles to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico is about 1,150 miles.
You have to travel some 1,130 nautical miles.
There are 1,306 kilometers (812 miles, 705 nautical miles) between San Diego, California and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico on a straight line. Driving distance is of about 1,670 kilometers (1,038 miles).
Mazatlan is a city in Mexico on the west coast, north of Puerto Vallarta and east of Cabo San Lucas.
4500 miles
The air distance from New York City, New York, to Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, Mexico, is 2,419 miles. That equals 3,893 kilometers or 2,102 nautical miles.
About 150 miles