4,061 straight line miles. (6,535 km)
The flight distance from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Vladivostok International Airport is 6,425 miles.
The shortest distance is 189.7 miles.
The distance is straight path from one place to another place. There might be slight difference between the actual distance and the above mentioned distance because of the route chosen.The distance between the above mentioned places is 1559.08 miles approximately.
The driving distance from Sacramento, California to Stockton, California is 47 miles.
The distance between Pacifica, California and Launceston, England is approximately 5285 miles
The distance between Monrovia, California and Hilo, Hawaii is 2479 miles (3989 km).
The distance between California and Manila Philippines is 7764 miles. You can take the distance from California to Hawaii you will get 2461 miles then you take the distance between Hawaii and manila philippies you will get 5303. Combine the distance you and will get the answer to be 7764 miles.
97 miles
About 275 miles.
0 kilometers, LAX is in California