There are 659 miles from Marbella to Barcelona and it takes just over 10 hours to drive.
approximately 48 hours
6 hours and 16 minutes
how long does it take to sail from Pakistan to England
how long wil it take to sail from RSA to Odessa
The distance between Marbella, Spain, and La Línea de la Concepción, Spain, is 76 km (47.3 miles), and will take about 1 hour of driving time.
6 and 1/2 to 7 hours
The flight distance from Luton, United Kingdom to Marbella, Spain is 1,083 miles. A nonstop flight would take 2 hours.
You can't sail from London to Cologne.
How long did it take for sir Walter Raleigh to sail across the world
The shortest time is 12 hours and 24 minutes.