The drive from Halifax, NS to Montreal is 1,246 km - about 12 hours 49 mins.
It depend what vessel you are sailing in, when you sail, your ability, etc. There is no single set time
It will take you 9 days and 4 hours to sail from Halifax to Colombo then HK, a distance of 1021 miles.
Five days in the U.k for Halifax.
5 hours via airplane, if you could get a direct flight, however, most of the time you may need to fly from London to Montreal, then a domestic flight from Montreal to Halifax, this may take up to 10 hours including waiting time in Montreal.
How long does it take to fly from Montreal to Nasseau?
how long is to take drive from Montreal to Newfoundland
how long does it take to sail from Pakistan to England
Deppending on what route you take or if you stop to eat or if there is traffic it will take about 3 to 4 hour to get to pei from Halifax or form Halifax to pei
how long wil it take to sail from RSA to Odessa
about 8 hours give or take.
5 days