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enslavement, death

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Q: What negative things happened to Africans during the Columbian exchange?
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What was negative consequence of the columbian exchange?

A negative product of the Columbian Exchange was the transfer of diseases

Name two negative effects of the Columbian exchange?

Slavery and communicable diseases are two negative effects of the Columbian exchange.

What negative effect did the Columbian exchange have?

the transfer of disease

Descride both the positive and negative benefits of the columbian exchange on the new and old world?

THe Columbian Exchange is the Globla Trade LOOK IT UP!

What was a negative effect of the Columbian exchange?

The introduction of smallpox to the native Americans.

What is one negative of the Columbian exchange?

the introduction of smallpox to the Native Americans

What were positive and negative effects of the Columbian exchange?

The primary negative effects of the Columbian Exchange were death, disease, and slavery. Positive effects included the incorporation of European methods of agriculture, and the introduction to the Americas of animals such as horses.

What was a negative result of the Columbian Exchange?

Disease killed many Native Americans.

What were the positive and negative effects of the Columbian Exchange for the western and eastern Hemispheres?


Which of these was a major negative consequence of the Columbian Exchange for the natives on the American continents?

diseases APEX answer

What of the columbian exchange was negative for native americanS?

the introduction of smallpox

What was one major negative of the Columbian exchange?

the introduction of smallpox to the Native American population