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Q: What is a similar feature on dry land of abyssal plains?
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What land feature is like continental slope?

Abyssal plain is a land feature similar to the continental slope, located at the base of the continental rise. It is a flat area of the ocean floor covered with sediment and is considered the most level part of the ocean floor.

What biggest land feature of the Southern States in the what Plains?

The Mississippi River is the biggest land feature in the Southern United States. The Great Plains is a vast expanse of flat land in the central United States.

What land feature can you unscramble from nlpia?

The anagram is plain, as in the Great Plains.

What land feature lies between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi river?

The Great Plains.

What is the flattest part of the ocean floor?

The abyssal plains are flat or very gently sloping areas of the deep ocean floor. They are among the Earth's flattest and smoothest regions and the least explored. Abyssal plains generally lie between the foot of a continental rise (shelf) and a mid-oceanic ridge.

How are flood plains and plains similar?

Flood plains and plains are both flat expanses of land. Flood plains are low-lying areas near rivers that are prone to flooding, while plains are large, flat areas with minimal elevation changes. Both types of landforms are valuable for agriculture and settlement due to their fertile soil and access to water.

Are plateaus and plains the same?

No. Plains and plateau's are not the same. A plain is a flat piece of land whereas a Plateau is a uneven and has small mountainous structures similar to hillocks and ridges. The land too is rocky in a plateau whereas in case of plains it is soft or muddy

Which of these is a type of flat land located at the bottom of the ocean?

abyssal plain

What geographic feature encourage people to settle in great plains?

The Plains are mostly flat lands with an occasional rolling hill here and there. With long stretches of flat land, it was perfect for farming, especially grains. Of course, the Plains also meant land that is windswept and prone to hard winters with frigid temps and deep snow.

What is a land feature?

A land feature is a physical characteristic of the Earth's surface, such as mountains, plains, valleys, or bodies of water like lakes and rivers. These features are a result of natural processes like erosion, sedimentation, and tectonic activity. Land features play a key role in shaping the landscape and influencing ecological systems.

What large land feature lies between Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains?

The Great Plains is the huge expanse of flatlands from the Rocky Mountains eastward to the Mississippi River.

What is the land that stretches thousands of miles across the ocean called?

Abyssal Plain