It depends where you are preparing the food. If you are preparing it at home to serve somewhere else that will usually be a problem because your home kitchen is not approved by the local health department. If you are cooking in a school cafeteria, dining hall, or VFW or the like the kitchen most likely will have all the proper permits and you work under that permit for the day.
Prepare the food with love and serve it hot.
Yes you need a food handler's licence to serve food at any public place, or ritirement home.
by smell
No. You dont. I work at a nursery and I make food for them, no licence. BUT DO NOT USE PEANUT BUTTER OR ANYTHING WITH PEANUTS!!!!
so that we can make, cook and prepare and serve the right type of food that we can get the right type of nutreints
Absorption of water and serve as passage to unabsorbed food.
food handler's permit....... serving is technically handling food, so yes, you can serve hot food, in a food establishment, nursing home, hospital, for your job, you can't just sell hot dogs on the side of the road, for that you would need permits and licence's.
It is a firm that say if you were having a party you could hire a catering firm to come and prepare and serve your food for you
how do you prepare children for food
PURCHASE of supplies and food STORAGE of food before or after preparing PREPARE food before cooking COOK which is actually preparing the dish to be served SERVE the food to the customer CLEAN UP and disposal of waste
how did the calusa prepare their food
You can't. You just need to follow the guidelines for hygiene and get inspected.