Well I have a Blackberry so I think Computer typing is the fastest
You don't download blackberry apps on your computer you do it on your blackberry.Dah
Make sure your BlackBerry is plugged in and find the BlackBerry in Finder (Mac) or My Computer (Windows). Go into the BLACKBERRY folder, then VIDEOS, and your videos will be there!
You get apps on Blackberry by downloading the blackberry app store from the blackberry website. You can do this fro your computer or from the internet on your blackberry.
To connect a blackberry to the computer, use the data cable that is provided with the phone.
The keyboard's function is to make it faster to send commands to the computer. These commands usually are for typing, but may include other functions.
It is arranged like a type writer which was the earlier form and most learned for typing. So if you use a typing program and learn it well the faster you will type.
You could say that a BlackBerry is a computer, but not in a traditional sense. They are mainly a smartphone and tablet maker.
Windows Mobile 6 is fast, but the Blackberry OS is considerably faster.
It's email, but on your blackberry device instead of on a computer.
Just memorize the letters and vwalla! You got yourself fast typing. That's how we all learn.
Kids have to learn typing on the computer because in schools of today kids have computers to learn stuff on. And typing is essential to using a computer.
Yes - all you have to do is download Blackberry App store from the blackberry website. It can be done on your computer and your blackberry.