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Q: Why did victorian childen get forced to work?
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What usually happened to the poor during the Victorian times?

Many starved, many were forced in to prison and or the dreded work houses

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the childen work on the farm with their parents.

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How did poor Victorian children live?

Poor Victorian children faced harsh living conditions, often living in overcrowded and unsanitary slums. Many were forced to work long hours in factories or as chimney sweeps to help support their families. Education was limited, and basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter were often lacking.

In which countries did Victorian children work in?

short documentaries about victorian working children

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Why weren't Victorian mothers allowed to work?

Victorian women did not have the right to work or vote. They were expected to stay home with the children. Men did not think women were able to work.

How old did Victorian children work?

some victorian childrens started working for the age of four

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Does Beyonce have childen?

yes she has 9