

Where is ghatika?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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this place is Australia

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Q: Where is ghatika?
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According to some, the time from 2.30 a.m. to the sunrise and according to some, the period of two hours before the sunrise constitute BRAHMAMUHURTA. As the name suggests this time is the best time for conceiving, understanding, experiencing or merging with BRAHMA, the eternal truth, the eternal purity and the eternal bliss. This is the time of liberation from the shackles of every kind. This is not a matter of belief; for those who have experienced the joy of getting up fresh from the bed at this time! There is a Sanskrit shloka [verse], which depicts the sub-classification of this enchanting period. == == It means: 55 GHATIKA after the sunrise of previous day the USHAH KAALA the time of USHAA begins. After 57 GHATIKA, the time of ARUNODAYA and After 58 GHATIKA the time of PRAATAH begins. The remaining time till sunrise is called the time of SURYODAYA. [The day is constituted of 60 GHATIKA. GHATIKA is approximately equivalent to 24 minutes.] With the grace of mother earth this fortune is granted to us to walk on her body through out the day. So there is a tradition to be grateful to her before we start our day by praying the mother earth. This wisdom helps us unite with the forces of which we are extension and get empowered by these forces. It makes us humble and environment-friendly as well! The prayer is as follows: The meaning is: Oh goddess earth, who is clad in the beautiful attire of oceans and the mountains are whose bosoms and who is the wife of Lord Vishnu, I offer my grateful salutations to you and ask for forgiveness as I put my feet on you [touch you with my feet]. This prayer orients us appropriately in such a way that it opens up our hearts to the glorious bounties of earth and her love towards us. It starts nourishing us as well as gives us the perspective of loving our mother earth, which is so much essential for awakening our responsibilities towards her. Then we pray At the tips of the hand there stays Laxmi the goddess of prosperity At the middle stays the goddess of knowledge Sarasvati At the root of the hands stays Lord Govinda i.e. Lord Vishnu Hence we watch our hands with reverence! This is such a wonderful prayer! It helps us to reveal and establish the connections between the deities, which are the sources of our power. It helps us explore the potentials of prosperity, profundity and fulfillment in our life and thereby helps us develop respect for ourselves. Such respect as you know is essential for taking due care of our body while simultaneously directing it to do things in life which would help us in gaining holistic health. There is one more and simple prayer in SHUKLA YAJURVEDA. It is as follows. I pray that my arms and my all organs be strong and my soul and my heart be the healers.