Well in Europe the ones I can name are bowls, royal tennis, curling, draughts, croquet, billiards, cricket, and fencing. And there was that hurling stuff the Scottish did, think it's just called hurling, but I believe it was banned in that era. The royals and wealthy also enjoyed hunting.
In the year 1500, England was still Catholic.
Cricket - During the summer Football, rugby- rest of the year Hockey, and netball al Soccer
year round
There are more than 1000 different title sports that are played every year; year in year out. These title sports are usually divided into two, indoor games and the outdoor games.
Baseball, football, basketball, and DEFINENTILY soccer. In fact, 1962 was the year Brazil won the world cup and England won in 1966
In 1500 Great Britain was the island that consisted of England and the principality of Wales and also Scotland.
All year long!
Mostly 2
around 9