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Q: What means did Sant Eknath and Sant Tukaram use to eradicate social ills?
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What is eradicate?

Eradicate means to eliminate or destroy. It is usually used in the context of pests or diseases; we eradicated smallpox.

What word means total destruction?

Annihilate Obliterate Eradicate or my personal favorite: Extirpate

What does Eradicating mean?

Eradicating means to get rid of from the deep roots; or maybe kill in large numbers. I think eradicate means to get rid of, to wipe out, eliminate, extinguish etc. But according to the free dictionary it means to tear up by the roots, which I interpreted as getting rid of something by going to its primary source. So the word eradicate could be used in reference to plagues, like the plagues wiped out a whole population, wanting to eradicate hunger, etc. Check the Free Dictionary link below for more.

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It means Political economic geographic social

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Expunge means to eradicate completely.

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social means talking with people so i would think social science means to do it with a group science prob means on your own

What is the difference between science and social science?

social means talking with people so i would think social science means to do it with a group science prob means on your own

What does social contact means?

People you are connected to on a social network.

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It means no alcohol

What is social organization?

Social Organization means the organization which works for social welfare and improvement of society.

What does the term social studies mean?

It means that it is a social history that your studying.