your name is a word your parents give you and a baseball is a ball your hit with a bat or a game you play with 4 bases a ball and a bat
One game played with a bat and no ball is Piñata.Games played with a bat and ball include baseball and cricket.
a game which is played with ball and bat i am harsha
A bat is a stick required to hit a ball in a baseball game
The person who answered before said 'baseball cap' but baseball is not a British game. It is a Cricket Cap. Cricket is a game played in the UK.
Find a ball and play a game
American baseball contains elements of two British sports. One of these is cricket, which, like baseball, uses a bat to hit a ball. The other game is Rounders, which is a game dating back at least to the 16th century.
cricket is about hiting a ball with a bat
Yes. Any part of the bat is fair game. Sometimes, a pitcher will throw the ball up and behind the batter's head, and if the ball strikes the bat it counts as a foul ball - and if it pops into the air, and the catcher catches it, it is an out!
edward g money bad
in most cases the bat
Ball stricking bat