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Reese Lebsack

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2y ago
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We call Baseball rounders.

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Q: What is the name of British bat and ball game?
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What is your name and baseball?

your name is a word your parents give you and a baseball is a ball your hit with a bat or a game you play with 4 bases a ball and a bat

What games are played with a bat and no ball?

One game played with a bat and no ball is Piñata.Games played with a bat and ball include baseball and cricket.

What is the game cricket?

a game which is played with ball and bat i am harsha

What is at bat in baseball?

A bat is a stick required to hit a ball in a baseball game

What soft cap with the full brim is typical head wear for players of this British bat-and-ball game?

The person who answered before said 'baseball cap' but baseball is not a British game. It is a Cricket Cap. Cricket is a game played in the UK.

What do you do when you see a bat?

Find a ball and play a game

American baseball is a combination of what two English sports?

American baseball is a combination of rounders, an English bat-and-ball game, and cricket, another English bat-and-ball game. The rules and elements of these two sports influenced the development of American baseball, which evolved over time into its own distinct game.

What game is cricket most like?

cricket is about hiting a ball with a bat

If a batter hits the ball with butt of bat and the ball goes into play is it live?

Yes. Any part of the bat is fair game. Sometimes, a pitcher will throw the ball up and behind the batter's head, and if the ball strikes the bat it counts as a foul ball - and if it pops into the air, and the catcher catches it, it is an out!

Who created the game that uses a ball and bat?

edward g money bad

A bat hits a ball which has the greater acceleration the bat or the ball?

in most cases the bat

What is England's version of baseball?

The closest equivalent is a bat and ball game called Rounders.