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I Have an idea it is the part at the beginging

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Q: What is the exposition of wonder by rj palancio?
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Which Star Wars character was in the book wonder by RJ Palacio?

There are not any Star Wars characters in the book, "Wonder" written by RJ Palacio.

What is the exposition of wonder?

The exposition of wonder typically sets the stage by introducing the main characters, setting, and initial situation that will spark curiosity or amazement in the audience. It aims to establish the context for the unfolding of events that will inspire a sense of wonder or awe throughout the story.

What is the exposition in the book wonder?

In the book "Wonder" by R.J. Palacio, the exposition introduces the main character, August Pullman, who has facial differences and is about to enter middle school after being homeschooled. It sets the stage for the challenges he will face as he navigates school, friendships, and acceptance.

What is the moral in wonder by rj palacio?

Don't judge a book by its cover

Which Star Wars characters was mention in the book Wonder by RJ Palacio?

The Star Wars characters who are mentioned in the book Wonder by R.J. Palacio are Jango Fett and Darth Sidious.

What is rj connetcter?

RJ stands for registered jack. There are a no. of RJ's that we use for e.g., RJ-9 ,RJ-11 RJ-12, RJ-45, RJ-48 etc

What are the types of RJ connectors?

There are RJ-11, RJ-12, and RJ-45 connectors. RJ-11 is typically used for telephone lines, while RJ-45 is used for NICs.

What does RJ mean in Chinese?

RJ in Chinese means RJ

What is the meaning of RJ in RJ 59?

RJ-59 is a type of connector and RJ here refers to Registered Jack.

What nicknames does Rj Revilla go by?

Rj Revilla goes by RJ.

What nicknames does RJ Vaughn go by?

RJ Vaughn goes by RJ.

Why Do You Want To Be A rj?

rj what the freak is dat r u talkin about rj berger lol =P