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Q: What brand are the glasses worn by Daniel vettori?
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Which test cricketers have worn glasses while playing?

Daniel Vettori (New Zealand) Robert Christiani, Clive Lloyd (West Indies) Geoff Boycott (England) (wore glasses in early career but switched to contact lenses later for fear his career would be shortened) Dirk Welham, Murray Bennett (Australia) Geoff Lawson (Australia) (wore contact lenses while playing)

What brand of sun glasses is worn by arnald swazennagger in terminater 2?

Pink Nerf Sunglasses

What is the brand name and model number of the eye glasses worn by Robert Redford in the movie Spy Game worn by him in his CIA headquarters office?

The brand is Olive Peoples. The model is "The Riley." They are in the olive tortoise color. (source: I own a pair)

Are Harry Potter's glasses by Noble Collection real or fake?

The glasses worn by Daniel Radcliffe as Harry Potter in the movies, are 'real' in the fact that they are not CGI. They glasses are physically real, however they do not have lenses in the frames.

What should be worn using power tool?

Safety glasses should be worn

Does Ozzy wear glasses?

He wears glasses called Teashades and they were worn by the drug users those days.

What is worn so that one may see better?


Does Ozzy Osbourne wear glasses?

He wears glasses called Teashades and they were worn by the drug users those days.

Is glasses masculine or feminin?

In English, glasses are considered a gender-neutral accessory. They can be worn by people of any gender.

What are 3.0 green safety glasses and also where and why must they be worn?

the number 3.0 describes the level of shade protection in the glasses. Green safety glasses are worn when you are used to protect your eyes when you are working with metal. Specifically, 3.0 glasses should be use when you are torch brazing, torch soldering, or cutting metal.

Does Nat wear glasses?

nat wolff doesnt wear glasses.... well, hes never worn glasses in any pictures... maybe he wears contacts...

Where can I get the glasses worn by the character Dr Ashford in the Alien?

Try Ebay