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Q: Is it true that if you dont get enough sleep that you cant think correctly and score badly on a test?
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if it is not hurt to badly we can help it,but if it is we have to put it to sleep

Does having enough sleep affect behavior?

yes it does , so get enough sleep

How will you no when you cannabis is ready?

When you start to learn how to sleep correctly.

Is there an apostrophe in the phrase 'a good night's sleep'?

Yes. A good night's sleep is written correctly.

Why is it important to sleep enough?

If you don't get enough sleep your body doesn't have enough energy to do every day tasks. You need to rest your body. Your brain works better that way. REMEMBER TO GET ENOUGH SLEEP!!!!!!

When you have more REM sleep than normal one night it might be because?

you did not sleep enough the night before APEX :D

How many percent of people don't get enough sleep?

80% people don't get enough sleep.. babay

Why wasn't katniss able to sleep after the fire?

Her leg was very badly burnt and she had careers watching her like hawks if I was in her position I wouldn't be able to sleep either.

Is it possible to not be able to sleep after losing a lot of sleep?

yes, if you dont get enough sleep and you get too tired your body cant slow down enough and it's harder to get to sleep. trust me, i know. :D

Is not enough sleep bad for you?

Yes, it is bad for you. Now go to sleep.

How can you get enough sleep?

Go to bed early and sleep for 8 hours.

Can you pleas give me a sentences using the word badly?

This is beautifully played out in "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang"Harry: Umm, clearly I'm interrupting. I feel badly. Let me... What are you drinking?Harmony: Bad.Harry: Bad? Sorry... feel...?Harmony: You feel bad.Harry: Bad?Harmony: Badly is an adverb. So to say you feel badly would be saying that the machanism which allows you to feel is broken.Later, Harry tries to use his newfound knowledge on Perry:Perry: Go. Sleep badly. Any questions, hesitate to call.Harry: Bad.Perry: Excuse me?Harry: Sleep bad. Otherwise it makes it seem like the mechanism that allows you to sleep...Perry: What, f**khead? Who taught you grammar? Badly's an adverb. Get out. Vanish.