There are people around the world that enjoy eating crickets. There are no known bad side effects that has been reported as a result of eating crickets.
No, Not At All.
you're not bad at cricket you're awesome
Unless the cricket is laced with poison, it is a natural food for a cat and won't harm it.
yes he is definitely
Nothing is bad about eating slowly.In fact, it is better than eating
Music and football (soccer) cricket
It is possible for a dog to experience negative effects after eating a cricket, such as an upset stomach or allergic reaction. It is important to monitor your dog for any unusual symptoms and consult a veterinarian if you have concerns.
no, they are herbivores. While they are physically capable of eating a cricket, as we are physically capable of eating rocks, it is hardly healthy to feed it to them.
Eating peanut butter with nuts is not bad for you unless you are allergic to it.
A lot of pesticides are used around homes which the cricket may pass through. It is possible.
yes, vey bad.