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Q: How many km is a cross country in year seven?
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What year was the interim Olympics held?

cross country. The answer makes no sense to me, sorry. (cross country is an event, not a year). The answer is : 1906, and the official term for them is "Intercalate Games".

Who came thirty-seventh in cross country last year?

Siobhan Hennessy did!

Who started cross country running?

Cross country originated from the Crick Run held every year since 1837 at Rugby School in Englands. In the early 19th century

How far is a year 9 cross country race?

It deepens usually it is 5 or 6km.

How many cars cross the Erasmus bridge in a year?

Depends on the time and what is happening in that time. One year 200,890,000 cars might cross it but the next year 960,800,909 cars will cross it.

How many people drive across the country each year?

There is no exact number for how many people drive across the country each year, as it can vary based on numerous factors such as economic conditions, travel trends, and personal preferences. However, millions of people are estimated to embark on cross-country road trips annually in the United States.

Is it possible for a 17 year old to travel cross country by himself?

Not advisable, but still possible.

How many months out of the year do you mow?


What is the average cross country mileage for a 9 year old girl?

5:12 seconds is the average time

How many days are in one year and seven months?

Depends which year and which months........................

Is getting on varisty cross country running freshman year really good?

yes it is but it is not uncommon be proud of yourself but do not gloat

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