Football had already been invented by the time the Tudors took over. The games were very rough and the goalposts were set almost a mile apart. The rules allowed players to pick up the ball and throw it at the opponents net.
In Elizabethan times, I believe all the parts were played by males.
The best storyteller in Elizabethan times was Shakespeare.
Elizabethan times are called that because it was the time when Elizabeth I was Queen of England.
Its is the the middle-class citizens of Elizabethan times
Pre-Elizabethan was the time Queen Elizabeth I lived. It was also called the Elizabethan time.
the medicine that was used in the Elizabethan times was made out of herbs and spices, in other words were natural.
Soccer is played 100 times more!
in Elizabethan times England had a population of nearly 5 million.
Was a major sewer.
yeah obviously