To guide the course of (something in motion) by a rudder, helm, wheel, etc.: to steer a bicycle.
To 'Steer' A car wheel, or to Feed a Baby 'steer.' A steer can also be a baby cow.
Keep away from
"Steer" is a verb that means to control the direction of a vehicle or animal by turning a steering wheel, reins, or other device. It can also refer to guidance or direction in general, such as steering a company towards success. Additionally, a "steer" can also be a male bovine animal that has been castrated.
A steer is a castrated male that is raised for its meat
Keel away from
"To steer" a ship is gubernare, a term borrowed (like much of the Latin nautical vocabulary) from Greek.The word dirigere, literally "to set straight", can also mean "to steer, to guide".
Direct, pilot, drive, guide
They/you (plural formal) navigate/sail/steer/travel
The homograph for "steer" is a noun referring to a male bovine animal, such as a bull or cow.
It's a metaphor for setting goals. If you know where you're going and aim in that direction (steer), it will be easier to get there (less rowing/physical labor).
Steer clear means to stay away from, or keep away from. For example, there may be drama at school, and I may say "I am going to steer clear of the drama." In other words " I am going to stay away (keep away) from the drama."
You need to have a saddle on it. Then, you will be able to steer it as you steer your player.