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Q: Why was the UFC able to avoid the effects of Progressive trust busting answers?
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Why was the ufc able to avoid the effects of progressive trust busting?

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How can you avoid the effects that wet brakes can cause?

If you are driving on wet roads there is no way to avoid those effects. Most brakes dry out very quickly when applied.

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Your scalp will itch and people will avoid you.

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The answer to the riddle "How can you avoid getting a flat tire" is to 'Look out for the fork in the road.'

What are the cause of air pollution how can these be prevented?

it can cause bad effects on our lungs,these pollution can avoid by 1.avoid smoking 2.avoid using smoke in the trucks,cars,etc.

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Either you're trolling, or you should avoid breeding.

What is the name for actions taken to avoid the effects of a particular risk?

Protective factors

What are the verbs which are used with present participles?

Verbs typically used with present participles include "be," "keep," "enjoy," "avoid," "resist," "continue," "consider," "finish," "begin," "start," and "forget." These verbs are used to show simultaneous or ongoing actions, states, or habits.

How do you put manoeuvre into a sentence?

When your manoeuvre is to source answers on the web, you must be careful to avoid plagiarism.