robert sylvester kelly
Barbara Jean "Barbie" Blanc
Barbara Jean 23 years old
Her wrestling name is Kelly Kelly therfore her surname is Kelly. Her real name is Barbra Jean Blank
The character Denzil Kelly - is played by actor Reece Douglas
Denzil Kelly is played by Reece Douglas
Barbara Blank, but she likes Barbie Blank. They gave her the name Kelly because its the doll barbie's best friend.
Kelly Kelly - real name Barbara Jean Blank was born in United States of America. She is a former professional wrestler/diva in the WWE. She was one of the most popular diva's in the WWE and had a huge fan following. She is a former Divas champion in the WWE.
Drew McIntyreDrew and Kelly dated in storyline only not real life!!
Kelly Kelly - real name Barbara Jean Blank was born on January 15, 1987. This makes her 26 years old as of now. She is a former professional wrestler/diva in the WWE. She was one of the most popular diva's in the WWE and had a huge fan following. She is a former Divas champion in the WWE.
the only person i know that is a vegutareain is WWE diva kelly kelly or her real name Barbara "Barbie" Blank. but as far as any other divas or superstars are vegutareain.
Kelly Kelly's real name is Barbara Jean Blank.