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Q: Why is a low blow illegal in boxing?
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Professional boxing is illegal in Cuba. Professional boxing is illegal in Cuba.

What is a boxing blow?

It's whan you blow a boxer. Stab, Jab, Uppercut, Hook

Boxing blow delivered horizontally on the chin?

I think the answer is hook

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What is forbidden in Thai boxing?

In boxing it is illegal to hit below the waist, biting and kicking also not allowed.

Why do boxers wear a cup protector?

Boxers wear a "cup protector" to protect their testicles when the are boxing. A punch to the testicles would cause immediate and severe pain and would render the boxer incapacitated. That is why "low blows" are forbidden in boxing. A "low blow" means when a male-boxer gets punched in his groin area where his penis and testicles are.

Is monkey boxing illegal?

No, Black people do it all the time.

Is backyard boxing legal in Canada?

There is almost no information on the law about whether backyard boxing is legal in Canada. However, a lot of people agree with the idea that backyard boxing is illegal in Canada.

What happens in boxing after a low blow?

Depends on a lot of things... Did the referee see it? If so, he will likely issue a warning/take a point away from the offender... How bad was it? Is the recipient in agony, clutching his crotch? ... Is Eusebio Pedroza the guy throwing the low blow? If so, there will be a shoulder butt and another low blow soon after... Is it a legitimate bodyshot and the recipient John Ruiz? If so, playacting will ensue until he has convinced the ref that something untoward has occurred, resulting in a point being taken from his opponent.

Is an 8oz boxing glove illegal in the US?

no in fact i have a 16 oz and it is not illeagle

Is it okay for sister to blow brother?

yes it OK if she wants to blow her brother and he wants it + its not illegal

Ar blow guns illegal?

That depends on where you live. If you are in the USA, I know that they're illegal in California.