

Why does phoenix distract the man?

Updated: 12/14/2022
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Q: Why does phoenix distract the man?
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How does phoenix distract the hunter?

She gets him to focus on the dogs

When was The Man Who Ate the Phoenix created?

The Man Who Ate the Phoenix was created in 1949.

Do ron and Hermione kiss in the order of the Phoenix?

Yes, but not on the lips. Hermione kisses Ron on the cheek to distract him from the upcoming quiditch match... I forget what chapter it is.

How do you distract the police man on mystery train island?

some one typed as an answer distract them i asked the same question as all of you so if you ever find it please tell me

How do you put distract in a sentence?

"I distracted the man by talking to him while he tries to watch TV".

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Its an evil Phoenix

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You don't. You have to go to lake rage and defeat/capture the red garados.

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It's in the man's pack. Use the cell phone and call him to distract him, then steal the stone.

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The cast of Phoenix the Last Wild Man - 2013 includes: Adrienne Kress as Raven Tyler Parr

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Member of the phoenix group on john doe?

Trenchcoat Man

What does Bella tell Edward to distract him in the car?

Bella tells Edward a fabricated story about kissing a boy in Phoenix to distract him from the fact that he was driving too fast. This story successfully shifts Edward's focus and lightens the tense moment between them.