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Karate has the primary purpose of making you a better person. It teaches respect and patience as well as contributing to overall health. It also provides the techniques to avoid conflict and how to handle one's self if combat is necessary.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Martial Arts is comprised of different elements, some are: conditioning, coordination, better circulatory flow ( greater capacity of oxygen in the blood), development of the "will", and overall self confidence.

Many other forms of sports and exercises have similar traits but the Martial Arts being one of those sports/philosophies that can be practiced for a lifetime will bring a homeostasis to the body and your environment.

The Martial Arts can be broken up into two different aspects: Martial (the physical, defense/protection aspect) and the Arts (behavioral, spiritual and oneness gained over years of practice aspect).

The direct answer as to why one should learn martial arts, is that, there is no answer.

We are all learning martial arts in one aspect or another from our beginnings.

To be clear; the general definition of Martial Arts today is for defence/protection of any unwanted aggressiveness that could lead to bodily harm. You know, the how to: avoid, deflect. disarm, counter. evade, drill, circle and so forth.

In ancient times the definition of Martial Arts was "a way of life". People practiced and studied the Martial Arts to survive in a life not as forgiving as we may experience today. The practice was not just on the defensive aspects but also for the health and character aspect as well, which also lead to the development of culture and society.

Emperors, Kings and Conquerors all practiced some form of Martial Arts and either spread it throughout their territories or suppress it.

Today we learn Martial Arts in the remembrance of the history of its development and use the aspects of its foundation for our personal growth and confidence. We learn to become better than we were, in the hope of being able to make a change and bring balance in order to cultivate a better place "to be".

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βˆ™ 13y ago

They take the arts because of two reasons, one is because it seems like something really exotic and interesting. The other reason is that in the world we live in one can never be "too" equipped to handle themselves in an attack situation.

Martial arts is a much more complex version of fighting, it isn't just about punching and kicking, there is much more. The purpose of martial arts is to create a better citizen.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Karate is studied for a variety of reasons:

  • Some want to compete and win trophies
  • Others wish to learn self-defense
  • Many want the physical activity for health reasons
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Karate is important in my life as a way to keep my core strong, to keep my balance strong and to become more physically fit. I also like it for the fact that I have learned a lot of self defense. I hope I never need it, but if I do, I am much more likely to get away from an attacker than the average female.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The importance of martial arts is subjective, that is to say, it may be important to someone for various reasons, or someone else for one reason, or it may not be important at all to another person.

This is usually a question that someone looks inside themselves to find the answer. So while I can't specify as to why they would be important to anyone, I can however list the reasons that people may find it important.

These are a few of the common reasons people enjoy martial arts training:

1. It promotes discipline

2. It teaches you self defense

3. It keeps you healthy

4. It teaches ethics

5. It increases confidence

6. It creates a sense of security

7. It offers you a means to protect the ones you care about

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βˆ™ 7y ago

Martial Arts are not the same as martial Skills Training. The skills training provides the methods to defend yourself or fight well. the atrial Arts taint you to understand yourself and live life in a better and more peaceful manner.Many take Martial Arts when they simply want martial skills.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

For Self Defense.

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