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It provides covering and protection for the groin area. It also gives the participants something to grip when struggling to throw their opponent.

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Q: Why do sumo wrestlers wear a mawashi?
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Do sumo wrestlers wash their aprons?

The mawashi and the kesho-mawashi are aired out. Some spot cleaning may be done by hand, otherwise they wear out too fast.

What equipment do you have to have to wrestle?

In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi (or sumo wrestler) wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a kesho-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri.

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What does a sumo wear?

Mawashi: The loincloth style belt is 2 feet wide and about 30 feet long. It is folded sideways six times, then wrapped around the waist multiple times (4 to 7) depending on the size of the Sumo wrestler. It is attached around the groin with a strap.In sumo, a mawashi is the belt that the rikishi (or sumo wrestler) wears during training or in competition. Upper ranked professional wrestlers wear a kesho-mawashi as part of the ring entry ceremony or dohyo-iri. The kesho are given to the wrestlers by sponsors and supporters and can be very diverse and beautiful.Those are traditional garment to keep them from carrying weapons.Sumo is the national sport in Japan. It's an Authentic peek into Japan, dating back to Ancient Japanese Culture.The wrestlers are called Rikishi- 'strong man'.Every Wrestler wears a thick silk belt (more like a small diaper…) to their waist which can be grabbed by the opponent and used to throw the Wrestler out of the ring.The samurai Japanese warrior wear Fundoshi - the underwear, which most of all resembled a diaper.Its easy to move in

Are sumo wrestlers Chinese or Japanese?

Sumo is a Japanese sport. There are Chinese sumo wrestlers.

Who is more stronger wrestlers or sumo wrestlers?

This depends on the sumo wrestler and wrestler in question. However, it can generally be agreed that sumo wrestlers are stronger. (However, many recreational/amateur sumo wrestlers are not strong)

What is the costume of a sumo wrestler called?

The belt is called a Mawashi and the apron like garb worn when entering the ring is a Kesho-mawashi

What is attached to the Mawashi?

The mawashi is wrapped several times around the sumo wrestler and tied in a knot at the back. Sometimes a 'sagari' (stiff silk fronds) that match the color of the mawashi are attached to the front. These have to be odd in number.

What the clothing was in the ancient olympic games?

they were naked! or sometimes they had those things sumo wrestlers wear.

Are there sumo wrestlers in china?

There are Chinese Sumo wrestlers. Those that make the most money are wrestling in Japan.

Do sumo wrestlers eat flies?

YES Sumo wrestlers in ancient japan. Japanese sumo's opened there mouths and swallowed the flies that were on there faces

Do sumo wrestlers compete only with wrestlers of their weight?

No, there are no weight classes in sumo. So a wrestler can be matched up with someone who is much heavier. That is why weight gain is so important in sumo training.