

Why do people hate the undertaker?

Updated: 10/21/2022
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12y ago

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Some people do, but they have their own reasons (often stupid ones.) For the most part, people like the Undertaker.

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Answerlisten they don't hate each other what makes you think that? AnswerSince the Undertaker and Kane are half brothers, they hated each other because Undertaker set Kane on fire when they were kids. that's why Kane had third degree burns. that's why Kane wore a you idiot Undertaker hates Kane for killing there parents.AnswerThe on screen characters Kane and Undertaker no longer hate each other....they tend to try and "one up" each other, but generally enjoy working together. I don't know if Mark Calaway and Glen Jacobs like each other or not...that sounds like a good question to ask

Do you like the undertaker as a wrestler?

AnswerMany people like the Undertaker.

Does the undertaker hate Randy Orton in real life?

No :) Most of the wrestlers are good friends in real life.

Has wrestler undertaker really killed people?

The undertaker is 20-0 in wrestlemania death matches. So, the undertaker has killed 20 people and stole their souls as well.

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Who are the people on WWE that are dressed in all black when the undertaker comes out?

They are the Undertaker's Druids.

Why does taker hate Kane?

In the WWE fiction, The Undertaker and Kane are brothers. Apparently (even the fictional story is unclear), a fire caused by The Undertaker when he was a kid killed their mother and left Kane emotionally disturbed. Therefore Kane hates The Undertaker, who of course hates him back.