Knocked like a hammer hitting a nail. Knocked as hard as a wrecking ball. Knocked like a tree falling in the forest.
The word "knocked" can serve as both a verb (e.g. "She knocked on the door") and a past participle (e.g. "The door was knocked down").
3 billlion people in China say yes
no, rocky just knocked people out
The people that got knocked out of the top 12 are Anthony, Alex, Emily, Pierre, Jack, Sophia Lucy, Cassidy, Nick, Siena and one more but I forgot their name.
peeps knocked it down
Knocked Out was created on 1987-02-02.
Though no single volume can document how Stonehenge got knocked down, it is believed it was knocked down by an earthqauke.
Don't shake the person knocked out.Call for help.
You can be knocked down but not blown backwards.
The duration of Knocked Up is 2.15 hours.