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Undertaker and Sara did not split up. They have two children named Gracie Naomi Calaway and shes 3 and Chasey Chirie Calaway and shes six. you shouldn't belive everything you hear okay? They did not spilt up

October 17, 2008

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Taker and Sara have been divorced for a year and he is dating Michelle is a fact not a rumor, he is having the tatoo on his throat removed. And for the record it was Sara who wanted the divorce not Taker

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13y ago
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16y ago

Because undertaker is dating michell Mccool

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15y ago

She didn't die, she is still alive

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Q: Why did undertaker break up with Sarah?
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Because he split up with his former wife Sarah and is now with Michele McCool.

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To break his previous records

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No, Sara and Mark are not married anymore. Now, Mark (Undertaker) is married to Michelle McCool.

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No. Not ever.

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Yes She did at 14 after a bad break up

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The Undertaker is currently with the WWE and is on a break. He should be returning very soon

WHAT DOES The undertaker's sarr tattoo ON HIS NECK stand for?

its Sarah a it's his wife's name

Is WWE's the undertaker still married to sara?

Sarah is his daughter dude, not his wife