because Jeff hardy is planning on leaving wwe or extended vacation and smackdown needed a new babyface to be top dog
i thank he attacked the undertaker to save his self in the fatel 4 was cuz iwth him in that match cm punk don't have any where to go
It was not the straight edge society. Serena and cm punk were at a bar are the day the undertaker was attacked.
Summer Slam. After CM Punk beat Jeff Hardy in a TLC Match the lights went out and the undertaker took Jeff Hardy's place under cm punk and dodge the title shoot by cm punk and Chokeslammed him.
yes he returned at summerslam 2009 chokeslaming cm punk!
He's just returned, at Summerslam 2009, chokeslamming CM Punk
no cm punk is not related to the undertaker and if he were the undertaker would have killed the annoying sob so we don't have to listen to his rants about him not having a life
Yes the undertaker was suposevly jumped by cm punk
sunny jadhawar wins this match ...!
Yes because the Undertaker never submitted in a WWE ring before plus he has hell's gate he has never tapped out ever and he has multiple submissions unlike cm punk.
No, he didn't.
the undertaker won the submisson match