Okinawa, once used to be a trade hub and traders from China, Philippines, Korea and Japan used to trade their goods and culture here. Chinese were well known for their kung-fu and other martial arts. people of Okinawa learned their techniques and merged them to their own martial art, "te" to form karate.
They mainly developed it for self defense.
Okinawa, once used to be a trade hub and traders from China, Philippines, Korea and Japan used to trade their goods and culture here. Chinese were well known for their kung-fu and other martial arts. people of Okinawa learned their techniques and merged them to their own martial art, "te" to form karate.
They mainly developed it for self defense.
Karate did not develop in China. It was developed in Okinawa based on a combination of wrestling and Chinese Kung Fu.
Okinawa in the 1400s
Karate was developed on the island of Okinawa. It was a combination of the Okinawa wrestling and Chinese Kung Fu.
Japanese Shotokan Karate is taught on Okinawa. The roots of Shotokan are in Shorin Ryu karate, most of the kata can be identified as being the same.
It is called karate in every country, using the name given to it in Okinawa.
No, karate is from Okinawa. It does have roots in China and was created by blending the Okinawa Tegumi wrestling with White Crane Kung Fu.
Sort of. Karate was developed on Okinawa, which is now a part of Japan. It used to be a separate country and a tributary of China. Karate was a combination of the Okinawa wrestling and Chinese Kung Fu. In the 1930's karate was introduced to the main islands of Japan.
Karate was developed in Okinawa. They combined the local Wrestling with Chinese Kung Fu to create karate.
They are martial arts from Asia. Karate is from Okinawa, and influenced the Korean art of Taekwondo.
There is no "Plain Karate." Karate originated in Okinawa. It has spread throughout the world. It has been modified in many places and there is what is often referred to as Japanese Karate, Korean Karate and even American Karate. They all incorporate aspects of the original styles from Okinawa, and incorporate local martial arts as well.
Nope. Okinawa, Japan is the birth place of karate. If you read into it, it is an amazing place.
{| |- | That could be Goju Ryu. It is one of the original styles of karate. It came from Okinawa. |}