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no one really knows. they just left each other

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Q: Why did Julie hart leave Bret?
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Bret Hart still loving Julie?

No Julie is happily involved in a relationship with an American serviceman.

What happened with vince McMahon and Bret hart at WrestleMania 10?

Bret Hart went against Shawn Michaels in a submission match. mr. McMahon screwed Bret hart so Bret had to leave wwe.

What is Bret Hart's real name?

Bret Hart's real name is Bret Sergeant Hart.

Did Bret Hart die?

No, Bret Hart is still alive.

When was Bret hart's debut?

Bret Hart debuted in 1976

Is Bret married?

Hart Married Julie Smadu-Hart.Bret And Julie Have Four Children:Jade Michelle Hart,Dallas Jeffery Hart,Alexandra Sabina Hart,And Blade Colton Hart.Bret And Julie Separated In May 1998, And They Eventually Got Divorced On June 24, 2002, Just Hours Before Bret Suffered His Stroke.Hart Married An Italian Woman Named Cinzia Rota in 2004, But They Got Divorced In 2007 After Failing To Agree On Where They Should Live.

Who did Bret hart sleep with while he was marraid to Debby?

No and the only one he has had children with is Julie according to Bret he hasn't a clue who Debi McConnell is and has never met her or had an affiar with her.

Witch is the older brother Bret hart or Owen hart?

Bret hart is older

Who designed Bret Hart's jacket for SummerSlam 91?

Bret Hart got the idea for the jacket from a picture of a monkey wearing a jacket with epaulets. He showed this picture to Julie Youngberg, the longtime costume designer for WWE and she made the jacket.

Why Bret Hart divorced Julie Hart?

I THINK it was because he spent so many years away from home and Julie was raising 4 children by herself. Bret used to have relationships with other women too, but I don't think Julie knew about them at the time of divorce. His book explains better than I can. --------- Update: I'm completely wrong. Check this video clip. Bret chose to divorce Julie:

Who painted the rotunda in Montgomery Alabama?

Bret hart Bret hart

What is bret hart full name?

Bret the hit man Hart