He didn't keep his pimp hand strong (figuratively - female beaters are scum). When she started disparaging him, he got wounded when he should have gotten pissed. She would have respected him then.
Blanca Selgado - the one who had the baby and dumped him. Rhiannon Flammer - the one he met on the mental ward.
The names of the main Soprano family are Tony, Carmella, AJ, and Meadow.
christopher a lot of others, the only ones who actually lived with him were tony carmella (his wife) meadow (his daughter) aj (his son) pple sometimes stay with him and he has a maid but they dnt live with him
Aj lee
AJ Geddes goes by The Mighty AJ.
AJ stands for Andrea Joy. AJ is affectionately known as Dre by close family and friends.
AJ = エージェー
yes. aly and aj michalka are sisters yeah. aly is 2 years older than AJ
the aj in aj styles means Alan Jones) <<<< my new answear on the TNA forum his name is paul somthing ??!:)
Aj lee is not pregnant.
No, Kane is not jealous of AJ.