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Q: Who will verse undertaker at wrestlmania 29?
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Who will win at wrestlmania 25 hbk or undertaker?

undertaker did i seen it on my ppv box

Who will win on wrestlmania 26 undertaker or hbk?

to see who won tip go to ppv, click wrestlmania,then maches and finally shwan michaels vs undertaker and you will find out.

Did Triple H beat the undertaker at wrestlmania 27?

No undertaker beat triple h a submission.

What is the best match ever at wrestlmania 27?

undertaker vs triple h

Who won at WrestleMania 29 john cena or the rock?

John Cena defeated the rock at wrestlmania 29!

What was the name of The Undertaker's theme at Wrestlmania 24?

it's called "youre gonna pay''

Is undertaker going to retire this wrestlmania?

no he will retire after wrestlemania28 and he will keep his streak all the way

Who won the wrestlmania 26 career vs atreak undertaker vs hbk?

The Taker did. Sadly HBK lost.

Will Triple H beat the undertaker at wrestlmania 27?

Triple H will defeat Undertaker because Triple H is better than ever so Undertaker doesn't have a chance to beat me. And if I am wrong I am in San Diego. Undertaker is gonna win its planned.

Is Shawn Michaels retiring?

he is retired at wrestle mania 26 by undertaker ? at Streak cs carear