The oldest records of boxing come from Sumerian pictures that date to 3,000 B.C. and continued in ancient cultures for over 1,000 years. After disappearing for a time, modern boxing reappeared in England in the 1700s.
The earliest records of boxing came from Sumeria during the 3rd century BC. More modern versions of boxing called prize-fighting and fist fighting developed in Europe during the 1300s.
boxing was created shortly after Wrestling, because some homosexuals were not as openly gay as the hardcore wrestling ones, but still wanted to rub up against other men and play with them.
The area where a boxing fight is held is called a boxing ring.
there isn't boxing there is rythm boxing. there is boxing on wii sports though
in Olympic boxing you were a head guard in professional boxing you dont
West Edmonton Knights Boxing Club, The Avenue Boxing Club, Cougar Boxing Club, Panther Gym Boxing Club, Wind Warriors Boxing Club, Main Event Boxing Club
boxing, because hockey is played in a rink and boxing is played in a ring offers people boxing news, boxing insider information, boxing results, streaming video, boxing schedules and a very large online forum.
boxing and sometimes wrestling but mostly boxing
Go to and to "boxing"/ then Search: Boxing Gyms.
GREECE (ancient boxing) England (modern boxing) has a amateur boxing records database.
Floyd Patterson has written: 'Inside boxing' -- subject(s): Boxing 'The International Boxing Hall of Fame's basic boxing skills' -- subject(s): Boxing
boxing day