you might mean Oscar De La Hoya but the photos were proven to be fake.
No, in fact the majority of cross-dressing men are straight.
Caught By The Light, by The Boxer Rebellion
It's not. Cross dressing is a personal choice, same with taking drugs.. I'm not saying there aren't any cross dressing junkys out there, I'm just saying they aren't related.
Like a cross between a pit bull and a boxer?
A real rabbit punch!
What a girl wants Just My Luck A Cinderella Story White Chicks(cross dressing) Hot Chick (cross dressing)
Alsoxer or a Boxatian or Brian
You are probably referring to Eddie Izzard.
Caught in the Cross-hairs - 2005 was released on: USA: 15 May 2005 (limited)
Just go with it. Who cares? Tell her your belive.
Impossible to tell being a mix.