

Who shot Garfield?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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14y ago

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The man with the gun obviously. By the way you dont mean the orange cat cartoon do you :P

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When was James A Garfield shot?

Garfield was shot and fatally wounded on July 2, 1881.

Was Garfield the president when he was shot?

Yes, James A. Garfield was assassinated while he was in office.

What did James Garfield do after presidency?

Garfield was shot and died while he was still the President.

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She was sick from malaria.

Which president was shot on July 2 1881?

James A. Garfield

Why was pres James Garfield murdered?

The man who shot Garfield wanted to be appointed to a public office but Garfield did not honor his request.

What was the name of the man who shot Garfield?

Charles Guiteau

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No US President was shot in 1875. Lincoln was shot and killed in 1865 and James Garfield in 1880.

What president was shot at Washington rail road?

James A. Garfield

Which president was shot at Washington Rail road?

James A. Garfield

Why was James A. Garfield killed in 1881?

he was rude to the guy Who shot him

How was President Garfield assassinated?

President Garfield was shot. One bullet got lodged in his back, leading to his eventual death.