

Who killed chris beniot?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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12y ago

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Their are speculations still going around that he killed his self because of steroid rage.

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12y ago

Chris Benoit killed himself.

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Is Chris Beniot and his family really dead?

AnswerI live in New York. It appeared on the 10:00pm News as a Breaking Story.Unfortunately yes. Chris Benoit killed his wife Nancy and his and their 7-year-old son Daniel, and then killed his self.

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I liked Chris Beniot and i bet a lot of people liked him

How did Chris Beniot son die?

Chris Benoit's son has died of a homicidel smotheration cause.

Why did Chris Beniot kill his wife and then commit suicide?

It is unknown why Chris Benoit killed himself and his family. However, a common theory is that Benoit went crazy due to hitting his head so many times while wrestling. Others think that Benoit wanted to commit suicide, but he didn't want his family to suffer without him so he killed them, too. The numerous explanations for Chris Beniot's actions include brain damage, steroid abuse, and a failing marriage.

Who did Randy Orton defeat to become the youngest world champ?

Chris Beniot

What WWE superstars use steriods?

Chris beniot, Triple H, Batista

How much did Chris Beniot get paid?

Doesn't matter now. He's gone. Rest in peace, Chris Benoit.

What is the wrestler chris beniot's finisher?

Chris Benoit had two finishers they were the crippler cross face and the diving headbutt.

What is chris beniot's song called?

Whatever by Our Lady Peace Whatever by Our Lady Peace