Cornelius Rashard Henderson, a sophomore at Duncanville High School, is the strongest 16 year old in the world. His upper body strength is superb with an outstanding 360 pound raw bench press.
No lie, I am actually one of the world's strongest 17 year olds. I compete in powerlifting competitions and for my weight class, 181 lbs, I am going to break the world records in bench press and squat for sure and will come close in deadlift. I will break the total record as well. This is for the International Powerlifting Association. In training, my personal record for bench is 400 lbs even on bench which was back in November of 2010 at 175 lbs bodybweight and also a squat of 500 and a deadlift of 525. So, pound for pound, I am one of the strongest kid's in the world.
Im really bored right now so i might have the answer next time but i do know who is the best martial artist Bruce Lee mann all the way . Jackie Chan coulnt even touch him
The worlds strongest rock is diamond
The crocodile has the strongest bite in the globe.
Taylor Lautner
It is not true because it isn't a fact. they have a competition every year qualifying the worlds strongest man. he may probably be the strongest wrestler in WWE but he is Certainly not the strongest man.
the worlds strongest shot gun is a mosberg
muskegon, mi
the life of the teenager
De'Keria Padgett