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At the moment, Floyd Mayweather is the highest paid athlete, raking in $85 million in the sport of Boxing.
Check out a local boxing gym.
Boxing trainer, personal trainer, boxing-related announcers, advertisement.
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Nobody really knows how much coaches/personal trainers get paid. If you are lucky enough to meet an athlete's trainer, ask them... If they want to answer...
Matt, your boxing trainer.
as of 2011 in north America, the highest is boxing, followed by formula one racing and third is baseball because the three sports listed above has the highest possibility of fatalities.
Alcides Sagarra
Floyd Mayweather Jr. is the most richest sports person in the world. The is the sports person for boxing.
A Professional / Celebrity & Amateur boxing trainer named James Ricky Coward aka "Coach Rick" moniker "The Mittologist".. He is considered and endorsed by countless professional trainers around the United States and Internationally as one of the best and most progressive boxing padwork trainers in the world. His mittwork is recognized as second only to world class and renowned boxing trainer, Roger Mayweather of Mayweather Boxing Gym, in Las Vegas, Nevada. Coach Rick is also recognized as the first boxing trainer to bring and adapt Roger Mayweather's style of boxing padwork to the state of NJ. He is widely regarded and recognized as the best in NJ at conducting technical Mayweather Style and Traditional boxing padwork / mittwork...