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It all depends on which style you are referring to.

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Q: Who is the highest black belt in India?
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Which is high level belt in karatae?

The highest level belt in Karate the third Black Belt. There are three types of black belt. The highest one is the third level.

What is the highest rank in martialarts?

The black belt is the highest rank in martial arts.

Is the black belt the highest achievement in karate?

Each style of karate sets its own rules and promotions. In some styles, dark blue is the highest rank. A style could set the brown belt as the highest, but most use the black belt. In traditional karate, the highest possible belt is red.

What is a black belt?

The black belt is given to the person who has achieved the highest rank in MMA Fighting. In most martial arts systems, a black belt signifies someone who has learned a certain amount of curriculum over a period of time (usually 4 years or more) and can perform the material in a satisfactory manner as part of a physically and mentally demanding black belt.

What is a 3rd degree brown belt in judo?

It depends, for the Senior fighters, the second highest colour belt is brown, but the second highest belt is actually your 9th black belt (9th dan, this is pretty much knowing every throw, and only one person has ever reached it) Juniors, the second highest belt is blue, after brown, as you cannot be a black belt junior. :D

Which state is having highest black money in India?


Which is the karate belt of Bruce Lee?

He didn't formally study Karate. Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun a close in form of Kung Fu. He learned many skills from martial artists of all styles and incorporated them into his art.

What does a karate costume look like?

it is white and you wear a belt the colors vary depending on your rank the highest is a black belt.

What belts are there in Martial Arts?

When you "graduate" a skill level you go up in belt. These are ranked by colors. From lowest it highest, it goes: white, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple, red, brown, black. Black belt is the most popular and is commonly the highest belt color used and denotes a high degree of competence Oh contraire, the 9th degree black belt is the highest degree of skill even though it's red.

Who is the highest black money holder from India?

there are many black money holders in india or in the whole world.but i also don't knew names of them, sorry.

Why is black belt the highest rank?

When Martial Arts was first developed, people would start out with white belts. As they would train, their belts would become dirtier and dirtier, and they would not wash them. They only became a black belt when their belt was so dirty that it was literally black.

What the last belt in karate?

Black belt is the highest. Though traditional Okinawa karate uses a red and white belt to indicate 7th and 8th degree black belt and solid red for 9th and 10th. Many American schools use the red belt as a kyu level below black belt.